Micro-credentials in a Minute Episode 7: What’s so Compelling About Micro-credentials?

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In service to making the digital badge and micro-credential space more accessible to the broader community, the Micro-credential Multiverse team has launched a series of conversations with industry leaders in the space we’re calling “Micro-credentials in a Minute”.

Each episode of the podcast will be about a minute long and address critical questions on micro-credentials, digital badges, learning pathways, digital wallets, and more!

Introducing Micro-credentials in a Minute

Episode 7: What’s so Compelling about Micro-credentials?

In this episode of "Micro-credentials in a Minute," we asked the Founder and CEO of the Bean Center, Emeritus Professor Martin Bean CBE to identify compelling use cases for micro-credentials in education.


Learn more about our guests


Micro-credentials in a Minute Episode 7: What’s so compelling about Micro-credentials?

Robert Bajor: Hi, my name is Rob. 

Martin Bean: And my name is Martin and we are micro-credential and digital badge experts.

Robert Bajor: Today, we're just going to talk about what is so compelling about micro-credentials what do you think Martin?

Martin Bean: I think they compelling cause they make sense to my kids. Rob, they constantly critique me as a baby boomer in most of our education systems and the way we credential people were developed for people of my age, but with technology and innovation, driving change in the workplace in literally months, quarters and years, Rob, you better believe that we needed a different way for people to learn through their life. 

Martin Bean: A different way to express themselves in a high resolution way for their skills, their qualifications, and their experience. And that's why micro credentials and digital badges are the currency of our times Rob. 

Robert Bajor: Yeah, I actually couldn't agree with that more. The analogy that I use sometimes is the difference between 480P and 4k. So if you log onto YouTube You're watching your video in 480P, you're really missing important details. So most folks, when they're making a purchasing decision about what monitor they want to use to consume media and content, just like employers want to consume skills and competencies. They're probably going to be more comfortable with the 4k, which in many ways is a thousand times higher resolution. 

Robert Bajor: And I think micro-credentials unlock that ability.

Micro-credentials in a Minute

Check out other episodes of Micro-credentials in a Minute

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Robert Bajor

Founder of Micro-credential Multiverse


Micro-credentials in a Minute Episode 8: Why Should Universities Consider Micro-credentials?


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